294 research outputs found

    PV System Design and Performance

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    Photovoltaic solar energy technology (PV) has been developing rapidly in the past decades, leading to a multi-billion-dollar global market. It is of paramount importance that PV systems function properly, which requires the generation of expected energy both for small-scale systems that consist of a few solar modules and for very large-scale systems containing millions of modules. This book increases the understanding of the issues relevant to PV system design and correlated performance; moreover, it contains research from scholars across the globe in the fields of data analysis and data mapping for the optimal performance of PV systems, faults analysis, various causes for energy loss, and design and integration issues. The chapters in this book demonstrate the importance of designing and properly monitoring photovoltaic systems in the field in order to ensure continued good performance

    Understanding innovation system build up: The rise and fall of the Dutch PV Innovation System

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    Renewable energy technologies have a hard time to break through in the existing energy regime. In this paper we focus on analysing the mechanisms behind this problematic technology diffusion. We take the theoretical perspective of innovation system dynamics and apply this to photovoltaic solar energy technology (PV) in the Netherlands. The reason for this is that there is a long history of policy efforts in The Netherlands to stimulate PV but results in terms of diffusion of PV panels is disappointingly low, which clearly constitutes a case of slow diffusion. The history of the development of the PV innovation system is analysed in terms of seven key processes that are essential for the build up of innovation systems. We show that the processes related to knowledge development are very stable but that large fluctuations are present in the processes related to ‘guidance of the search’ and ‘market formation’. Surprisingly, entrepreneurial activities are not too much affected by fluctuating market formation activities. We relate this to market formation in neighbouring countries and discuss the theoretical implications for the technological innovation system framework.Photovoltaic, Innovation system dynamics, Motors of Change

    Чому слід припинити проскрибування латиномовної сторінки в українській літературі

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    Шляхом аналізу програми, за якою відбувалося вивчення української літератури у 5–9 класах загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів протягом 2009–2010 н.р., низки документів, що в той чи інший спосіб тлумачать програму, та шкільних підручників, рекомендованих МОН України, визначається глибина та межі знань, які може отримати український школяр про давній період розвитку української літератури. Стаття містить конкретні рекомендації щодо розширення програми у частині, яка стосується латиномовного періоду української літератури, та доповнення програми творами, що були написані латинською мовою протягом XV–XIX ст. та належать до української літератури.Путем анализа программы, согласно которой осуществлялось изучение украинской литературыу в 5–9 классах общеобразовательных учебных заведений на протяжении 2009–2010 уч.г., а также ряда документов, которые определенным образом толкуют программу, школьных учебников, рекоммендованых МОН Украины, определяется глубина и границы знаний, которые может получить українский школьник о давнем периоде развития украинской литературы. Статья содержит конкретные рекоммендации по расширению программы в части, касающейся латиноязычного периода украинской литературы, а также дополнения программы произведениями, написанными на латинском языке в XV–XIX ст. и относящимися к украинской литературе.The depth and scope of knowledge that can acquire Ukrainian pupil about the ancient period of Ukrainian literature development is defined through analysis of Ukrainian literature study program for 5–9 forms of general education institutions for 2009–2010, a number of documents that somehow or other interpret the program as well as schoolbooks recommended by Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. The article presents specific recommendations regarding extension of the program in the part that pertains to Ukrainian literature Latin speaking period and addition of works created in Latin during XV–XIX centuries that belonged to Ukrainian literature

    A novel forecasting approach to schedule aggregated electric vehicle charging

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    To be able to schedule the charging demand of an electric vehicle fleet using smart charging, insight is required into different charging session characteristics of the considered fleet, including the number of charging sessions, their charging demand and arrival and departure times. The use of forecasting techniques can reduce the uncertainty about these charging session characteristics, but since these characteristics are interrelated, this is not straightforward. Remarkably, forecasting frameworks that cover all required characteristics to schedule the charging of an electric vehicle fleet are absent in scientific literature. To cover this gap, this study proposes a novel approach for forecasting the charging requirements of an electric vehicle fleet, which can be used as input to schedule their aggregated charging demand. In the first step of this approach, the charging session characteristics of an electric vehicle fleet are translated to three parameter values that describe a virtual battery. Subsequently, optimal predictor variable and hyperparameter sets are determined. These serve as input for the last step, in which the virtual battery parameter values are forecasted. The approach has been tested on a real-world case study of public charging stations, considering a high number of predictor variables and different forecasting models (Multivariate Linear Regression, Random Forest, Artificial Neural Network and k-Nearest Neighbors). The results show that the different virtual battery parameters can be forecasted with high accuracy, reaching R2 scores up to 0.98 when considering 400 charging stations. In addition, the results indicate that the forecasting performance of all considered models is somehow similar and that only a low number of predictor variables are required to adequately forecast aggregated electric vehicle charging characteristics

    Offshore floating photovoltaics system assessment in worldwide perspective

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    Floating solar photovoltaics (FPV), whether placed on freshwater bodies such as lakes or on the open seas, are an attractive solution for the deployment of photovoltaic (PV) panels that avoid competition for land with other uses, including other forms of renewable energy generation. While the vast majority of FPV deployments have been on freshwater bodies, in this paper, we chose to focus on offshore FPV, a mode of deployment that may be particularly attractive to nations where the landmass is constricted, such as is the case in small islands. There is a wide perception that seawater cooling is the main reason for the enhanced performance of offshore FPV panels. In this paper, a worldwide assessment is made to validate this perception. To this end, a technology-specific heat transfer model is used to calculate PV system performance for a data set of 20 locations consisting of one system located on land and another one offshore. The analysis assumes that the floating offshore panels are placed on metal pontoons and that all panels are based on monocrystalline silicon technology. Our analysis shows that the energy yield difference, between land-based and offshore systems, for the time period of 2008 and 2018, varies between 20% and −4% showing that offshore FPV yield advantages are site-specific. In addition, the effect of other environmental factors, namely, irradiation level difference, ambient temperature, wind speed, precipitation, and sea surface temperature, is studied in this paper, which leads to the formulation of two different regression models. These can be used as a first step in predicting yield advantages for other locations

    Agent-Based Modelling of Charging Behaviour of Electric Vehicle Drivers

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    The combination of electric vehicles (EVs) and intermittent renewable energy sources has received increasing attention over the last few years. Not only does charging electric vehicles with renewable energy realize their true potential as a clean mode of transport, charging electric vehicles at times of peaks in renewable energy production can help large scale integration of renewable energy in the existing energy infrastructure. We present an agent-based model that investigates the potential contribution of this combination. More specifically, we investigate the potential effects of different kinds of policy interventions on aggregate EV charging patterns. The policy interventions include financial incentives, automated smart charging, information campaigns and social charging. We investigate how well the resulting charging patterns are aligned with renewable energy production and how much they affect user satisfaction of EV drivers. Where possible, we integrate empirical data in our model, to ensure realistic scenarios. We use recent theory from environmental psychology to determine agent behaviour, contrary to earlier simulation models, which have focused only on technical and financial considerations. Based on our simulation results, we articulate some policy recommendations. Furthermore, we point to future research directions for environmental psychology scholars and modelers who want to use theory to inform simulation models of energy systems

    A density‐based time‐series data analysis methodology for shadow detection in rooftop photovoltaic systems

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    The majority of photovoltaic (PV) systems in the Netherlands are small scale, installed on rooftops, where the lack of onsite global tilted irradiance (GTI) measurements and the frequent presence of shadow due to objects in the close vicinity oppose challenge in their monitoring process. In this study, a new algorithmic tool is introduced that creates a reference data-set through the combination of data-sets of the unshaded PV systems in the surrounding area. It subsequently compares the created reference data-set with the one of the PV system of interest, detects any energy loss and clusters the distinctive loss due to shadow, created by the surrounding objects. The new algorithm is applied successfully to a number of different cases of shaded PV systems. Finally, suggestions on the unsupervised use of the algorithm by any monitoring platform are discussed, along with its limitations algorithm and suggestions for further research

    Estimation of most optimal azimuthal angles for maximum PV solar efficiency using multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS)

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    The aim of this study was to build a regression model of solar irradiation in the Kulluk region of Turkey by using the multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) technique. Using the well-known data mining algorithm, MARS, this study has explored a convenient prediction model for continuous response variables, i.e., average daily energy production from the given system (Ed), average monthly energy production from given system (Em), average daily sum of global irradiation per square meter (Hd) and average annual sum of global irradiation per square meter (Hm). Four continuous estimators are included to estimate Ed, Em, Hd and Hm: Estimated losses due to temperature and low irradiance (ESLOTEM), estimated loss due to angular reflection effect (ESLOANGREF), combined photovoltaic system loss (COMPVLOSS) and rated power of the photovoltaic system (PPVS). Four prediction models as constructed by implementing the MARS algorithm, have been obtained by applying the smallest generalized cross-validation (GCV) criterion where the means of penalty are defined as 1 and the backward pruning method for the package 'earth' of R software is used. As a result, it can be suggested that the procedure of the MARS algorithm, which achieves the greatest predictive accuracy of 100% or nearly 100%, permits researchers to obtain some remarkable hints for ascertaining predictors that affect solar irradiation parameters. The coefficient of determination denoted as R2 was estimated at the highest predictive accuracy to be nearly 1 for Ed, Em, Hd and Hm while the GCV values were found to be 0.000009, 0.018908, 0.000013 and 0.019021, respectively. The estimated results indicate that four MARS models with the first degree interaction effect have the best predictive performances for verification with the lowest GCV value

    Estimation of most optimal azimuthal angles for maximum PV solar efficiency using multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS)

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    The aim of this study was to build a regression model of solar irradiation in the Kulluk region of Turkey by using the multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) technique. Using the well-known data mining algorithm, MARS, this study has explored a convenient prediction model for continuous response variables, i.e., average daily energy production from the given system (Ed), average monthly energy production from given system (Em), average daily sum of global irradiation per square meter (Hd) and average annual sum of global irradiation per square meter (Hm). Four continuous estimators are included to estimate Ed, Em, Hd and Hm: Estimated losses due to temperature and low irradiance (ESLOTEM), estimated loss due to angular reflection effect (ESLOANGREF), combined photovoltaic system loss (COMPVLOSS) and rated power of the photovoltaic system (PPVS). Four prediction models as constructed by implementing the MARS algorithm, have been obtained by applying the smallest generalized cross-validation (GCV) criterion where the means of penalty are defined as 1 and the backward pruning method for the package "earth" of R software is used. As a result, it can be suggested that the procedure of the MARS algorithm, which achieves the greatest predictive accuracy of 100% or nearly 100%, permits researchers to obtain some remarkable hints for ascertaining predictors that affect solar irradiation parameters. The coefficient of determination denoted as R2 was estimated at the highest predictive accuracy to be nearly 1 for Ed, Em, Hd and Hm while the GCV values were found to be 0.000009, 0.018908, 0.000013 and 0.019021, respectively. The estimated results indicate that four MARS models with the first degree interaction effect have the best predictive performances for verification with the lowest GCV value